Moving forward — Into the new era

It’s always been about this. 🤍

The heart, the pulse, behind the vision driving the movements.

The feeling of forward movement & regeneration. Each cycle of death&rebirth diving you deeper into yourself.

Each wave of transformation compounding the wisdom of the previous layers, until suddenly you find yourself in a whole new era of expression — an ode the the foundations the past version of you began laying, but in a whole new expanded way now.

Always riding the waves, and feeling how much further we go when we go together. I see so many other humans riding the waves into their new eras right now, & feel all of us rising together. There’s a fresh new magic that’s back.

This new era feels like a permission slip for all of us to embody our unique magic, and lift each other up as we grow.

It’s funny, Reah has revealed itself to me piece by piece, layer by layer as it’s surprised me.

All the old stories of the way I “should” be doing things caused me to pause and reflect and reset everything.

So I gave the wave time to percolate, and suddenly it’s become this thing that doesn’t make any sense logically to the old way or where we’ve been.

💫 But in the same breath — it all makes more perfect sense than ever before! 💫

Of course the new way you’re doing it won’t be fully understood by others of your own past perceptions of yourself!

& that’s the sign your on the right path. When it feels unfamiliar. New uncharted territories. Swimming in whole new waters as you wave your way into the newest expression of yourself, piece by piece.


~ Halle

#reahagency #toflow


How we got our name


Why we were born