Why we were born

Welcome to Reah Agency 🥹

The new wave of this vision has been on my heart since February, and slowly have been creating behind the scenes all summer long.

What began as “Free Energy Collective”, a media agency for commercial clients & travel, slowly began to evolve as me the human evolved.

I found myself craving a deeper level of emotional connection & creative expression through my art.

I found a desire for deeper embodiment through client work — the what if our projects can expand us? What if we can allow our video + photo creation to expand us into the next level?

Not just capturing a need, but an emotion. I found that some of the most resonant art projects to me, existed as a record in time — a stamp of energy leaving the legacy of the present moment.

Letting ourselves be ever-evolving works in progress as our journey continues to grow along the way.

Not just reaching for external goals or appearance, but the depth of fulfillment of allowing our character to be developed along the way.

Shaping our leadership to hold heightened sensations and a higher responsibility — that our mission is bigger than us.

I’ve learned that the visions drive the movements. So the more intimacy I create with my dreams, I realize I’m just the vessel — we all are.

And that’s what we’re focused on capturing here. YOU. The artist, the dreamer, the vision of who you’re capable of being.

Holding the embodiment of your desires & how you want to move & experience life, in a way that’s artistically captured through the co-creative process of bringing visions to life ✨

The new era of the website is under wraps in the back end, and I’ll be releasing her real soon, so for now — this is just the beginning 🥰

There’s a bigger picture at play driving this expression now; & we’re justtttt getting started. Who’s ready to play? 💫🌊

🤍 Halle

#reahagency #toflow


Moving forward — Into the new era