The big difference between embodiment vs. posing

There’s a reason why we focus on “EMBODIMENT” on camera, rather than just “POSING”

They are very connected , but photoshoots can easily be perceived as just surface level… which is where we come in.

Yes, we want you to look fly as f*ck, AND your photoshoot is the best possible way to practice the embodiment of who you desire to become.

We all have goals and choices in mind for our lives. There gets to be a balance of celebrating all we’ve created, just as much as we set intentions for more growth.

But often it takes more than purely logic to get where we want to go. We hear it from meditators, neuroscientists, coaches — there is a tangible magic to dropping into your body & rehearsing the emotional existence of who you want to become.

How are you moving? What do you relationships feel like? What are you creating?

So here’s where the power comes in — things like mental rehearsal, meditation, & somatic movement are the tools that support us in creating a new reality. SO — think about practicing all these things in front of a camera, where afterwards you get a visual example of your embodiment.

The videos/photos reflect back to you your being-ness when you’re embodying your desires through your energy. A reference point that you get to hold in your awareness, that scientifically supports your brain as PROOF of who you’re capable of being 🥹

Through my own embodiment practices & somatic work, I’ve practiced these methods on camera, & have noticed such a difference in my expression & satisfaction with what I see in the photos. It feels more ME than ever. This is why I practice shooting with other photographers & being on camera, so I can coach myself better into comfortability, & therefore coach YOU.

Being in front of a camera can be intimidating for everyone. So when you bring an intention to your heart, making it FOR YOU — the process comes alive, serving a deeper purpose for your liberation.

🤍 — Halle

Reminder that all clients of Reah receive our “
Embodied Guide To Being On Camera” FOR FREE whenever you book a shoot with us! Or it’s available for anyone to purchase via the “resources” section of our site. 🥰


Don’t be afraid to be seen trying


How we got our name