Don’t be afraid to be seen trying

Here’s the thing about growth… at least in my experience… 

It’s the times where you’re pushing the edges of what you’re capable of, opening yourself to entirely new experiences, exploring new levels of your capacity …. Those moments — that have the absolute power to take the floor out from under you. That have the power to crumble your preconceived perceptions of yourself. That bring you to your knees in humility. 

This quote “don’t be afraid to be seen trying” has carried me through some of the most uncomfortable, triggering, challenging experiences I’ve had this year. When I’ve been pushing the boundaries of the unknown to discover a whole new version of yourself. 

But it almost ~requires~ a certain amount of crumbling in the process. Because your ego has to die and shed what we once thought to be true, in order to carry you into the unknown realms of the new era. 

That next version of yourself gets birthed in the mess. Where for a second you can feel lost. You can feel so cringe. Wanting to hide or run away or disassociate. Wondering where you develop the skills to hold this type of responsibility. 

But then somewhere in the process, by giving yourself the grace to not have it all figured out — the process shapes you. It shows you who you get to become to carry yourself through this. 

And then one day you look back and you notice you’re on the other side of what you once wondered was possible. Holding the new levels of responsibility and capacity that you developed through anchoring into your character deeper than ever before. 

In the spaces where no one was telling you what to do. No one was showing you the way — in those spaces you paved the way for yourself. 

Piece by piece. Until suddenly your strength came from the conviction of choosing to keep moving forward. Over and over. Trusting the possibilities of growth. Anchoring into your sovereignty. 

And knowing — that’s it not over yet. 

You’re just getting started. 

So let yourself get developed along the way. ❤️‍🔥🤍🏔️🌊💫


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