It’s bigger than you

If you’re ever getting tripped up, caught up, or lost in a sea of “am I doing it right?” , “what if i look like a fool” , “i don’t want to be cringe” — it’s time to stop losing yourself in the protective armor, and start asking better questions.

What if i make a bigger positive impact than i ever thought i was capable of? what if me liberating my voice & expression gives someone else permission to step into their whole self too? what if i truly am the vessel for my mission to be expressed through?

Your visions chose you for a reason. It’s your divine responsibility to embody your unique purpose. this life is short - what legacy will you leave?

it requires you to show up. it requires you to be seen trying. it requires the humility to keep going as you learn. it requires people perceiving you as you grow. It does not require you to ‘look cool’. But the coolest people i know - just so happen to be those who are embodying TF out of their mission & willing to be seen living their purpose.

You’re doing a disservice to anyone who your mission could impact, by shrinking, hiding, and pretending you don’t have anything valuable to offer.

And the value you offer deepens in integrity — when you put yourself in the game. When you’re willing to let go of perceptions and stories, to uncover the strength it takes to widen your capacity and strengthen your character. Through experiencing the humility of learning as you grow, until suddenly you feel the conviction compounding over a timeline of sustained devotion. The visions guiding the waves. Because freeing your embodiment, comes from being fully empowered by & connected to, the ripple effects of possibility that generate movements of liberation so much bigger than you.



“Marketing” —


The Creative Process expands & develops us into the embodiment of what’s Possible