“Marketing” —

is being so clearly informed by the directions of the bigger picture impacts of your visions, that your passion and enthusiasm for what’s possible overflows out of you :) ❤︎

People invest in experiences that expand them.

And the most authentic business models come alive when WE truly FEEL the expansiveness of our visions moving through our body.

When we feel a goal, a dream, so pure and clearly aligned with our heart that we can’t help but pursue it. When we notice how the very pursuit of that goal is shaping our character along the way.

That being in action for, and intimate relationship with the visions, catalyzes our own personal growth right alongside it.

The thing that stops most people from marketing, or where they feel blocks, (myself included sometimes) , is either —

1) being too hyper focused on doing it right, and getting overwhelmed by which logical strategy or structured tactic to use, or
2) being deeply afraid of being seen trying. Worried they’ll fuck it up. Worried it’s not perfect, if being perceived in the ~process~ of growth.

The funny thing is, the thing that stops us from fully going after our biggest dreams and bringing our deepest visions to life, is actually the fear that it WILL HAPPEN. That what if you actually do the dang thing, and it’s BIG, and it’s impactful, and your audience and community grows massively and all the sudden you feel so bare and exposed and out in the open?

Those fears are important and natural and real. They keep our egos in check, they’re trying to keep us safe.

AND — this life is fucking short and I believe we’re each here for some reason, in any given season of our life - we get to choose what path of pursuing deeper meaning, feels most resonant to us.

So instead of feeling like you need to have everything perfectly buttoned up and tied up in a bow of structured presentation & strategy , what if you could allow yourself to evolve WITH the vision, & feel the expansion that unfolds along the way?

To invite in the bravery and courage it takes to step into the character, leadership & responsibility it takes to choose to be the vessel for a movement bigger than you.

The true power and essence and expansion of marketing becomes so liberated and alive when you can FEEL the directionality of all the expression being driven by a bigger vision of what’s possible ❤️‍🔥


It’s bigger than you